Saturday, December 10, 2011
The end is only the beginning..

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I got this! xP

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Not a borring book haha

Heres the trailer for the movie..
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
idk how to title this Cx
By reading this book it has some what affected me because I found out a lot about fast food restaurants and the way everything works. I would always ask myself how everything was made where it came from, who did it. Why? And obviously when I was reading this book it gave me these answers and some of the stuff made me really surprised about it. Everything is so cheap; but for the reason that the stuff they use. When I read some of the parts on this book made me get really grossed out.
I think I would really make some changes when it comes to eating fast food; even though I don’t eat a lot of it because im not a big fan; its usually my last resort. But then again fast food is really tempting ive noticed that everytime I come out English class I crave some McDonalds fries or McNuggets and that’s not good. Ill totally make an effort though. Some of the issues it made me think of is how these companies try to get everything for cheap, and how slaughter houses can be really unsafe for workers and they only try to get at the immigrants and how the workers get treated with no respect at all and I that’s really sad.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Who doesn't LOVE school?
First off I want to say we should have more blog’s like last week; right? It was fun reading and trying to guess the truth. Anyways my truth was number five, I still cant believe I didn’t go up to her!
I think were half ways in the semester! Isn’t that a relief. I really thought this semester was going to be a piece of cake. But its not! I’m taking math, Chicano studies, English, marine bio, marine bio lab and this lovely online course. So I’m at OC all days of the week except Fridays which is good because that’s a party day! I don’t work right now so im only attending school, but I also have other responsibilities at home and helping my parent’s out around the house while there working. All the work for all these classes pile up like crazy each week and I get really stressed, sometimes I get to the point when I want to quit and just work and reach for my goals without any school. But, since school is everything I know if I quit its going to take longer or maybe not even get to my goals I have for myself. So I always tell my self to suck it up! And just try my best and study hard for what I really want so that’s what I’m currently doing. I really like all my classes though I don’t think it’s that hard. My marine bio lab class is sort of difficult, for me at least. When I first signed up for that class I thought I was going to be learning about the marine life and all this cool stuff but its not so far what I’ve been learning is how to read maps what all the numbers and lines mean and all sorts of fancy stuff and its pretty cool but sort of hard to understand.

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Liar Liar Pants on Fire!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
"I don't need no love all I need is the DJ"
In life there’s always a whole lot you have to think about, a lot of changes and opinions and attitudes towards things. Personally, I change my mind a lot about being in a relationship. Back in high school I had a boyfriend my freshman year and we went out for a year and five months, but we would always break up and ended back together. One day I finally said enough of all this craziness and broke up with him. After all this I started talking to another guy and we talked for a pretty long time. Then, he asked me to be his girl friend and obviously I said yes; we went out for a year and nine months. The last two months I would really get annoyed when I was with him, I got to the point when I wanted to be single for a while and the reason was because I wanted to go out and party it up with all my friends and not worry about what guys I talk to and what not. So I called it off and I’ve been single for three years now.
I usually go out every weekend, there’s weeks when I start my partying every Thursday and end Sunday nights I just love to dance. Sometimes I wouldn’t get really lucky though because my parents can be very over protective with me and always think the worst when I go out. I love having a good time and hanging out with my friends when I get the chance.
Recently I’ve thought about getting back in to a relationship because I sometimes want someone there I can sit with, watch movies, and be silly about stuff. Most of my friends have boyfriends or are talking to someone. And usually when I see all this I think a lot and ask myself if I’m really ready to get back in to a relationship, because being single after all these years you kind of get used to the single life; and it’s usually hard to get in to that relationship mode again. But I always tell myself if I really meet someone that I truly see myself with my thoughts would definitely change, so right now I’m just going with the flow, because I’m still young and still want to have a good time and I always say the real party don’t start until your 21 and I have one more year to go so I’ll see what happens.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
All because two people fell in love..
Family starts when two love birds fall in love and create bundles of joy. A family is there for you through thick and thin no matter the situation, there the ones you can count on anything. A family consists of different things for example having a sense of commitment, team work, showing respect for each other, being reasonable, and knowing how to forgive. A family without any of this isn’t really a family at all. In every family there’s always an argument and when confronting it its much better when you talk it out instead of yelling at each other and using sarcastic comments and sometimes even offending the persons involved in it. Working as a team is always very important because if you don’t you can quickly turn a little situation to a huge problem and start attacking each other with fighting words instead of working together to resolve the problem. Working as a team is like ants helping each and every single one of them to get a piece of food to a certain spot, and if they don’t work as a team there’s nothing.
My family is my everything; If it wasn’t for my lovely parents my brothers and myself wouldn’t be here. I have a family of five, which is my parents and 2 younger brother’s Fernando (17) and Brandon (5) making me the only girl and the oldest.
We all have a good communication with each other and get along very well…sometimes. I usually argue with my brothers when ever they don’t listen to me. I can be asking Brandon if he can pick up his toys from his toy room and he answers back with “I don’t want to do it, I’m so tired” and I think to myself tired of what? When ever I ask Fernando for help on some chores he says “yeah, ill do it right now” and obviously that never happens. But even with all this I love them both no matter what. It’s really rare if I have arguments with my parent’s because I always do my best in helping out around the house and having the house nice and clean; sometimes I even cook for them, if I have the time of course. I thank god for the family I have because I sometimes see situations with other families and it’s just sad to see the lack of respect they have for one another.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I had the chance to interview Betty Johnson “The bee”. I was really glad I actually got partnered up with her because when I first saw her and when I had the chance to read some of her blog’s she looked like a real fun and easy to talk to person. So I hope all of you enjoy reading this little interview.
Betty is Chinese, thirty years young, she’s the youngest of 2. She likes the color purple and hang out with friends and family on her free time. I asked her how would u describe yourself in 3 words? She responds “goal oriented, being a kid at heart, and caring”. Something that motivates her in attending college and continuing with her learning is to get better knowledge since without education there’s really nothing. Being an elementary teacher also motivates her to be in college. Since she is a teacher her schedule starts as soon as she’s up and starts getting ready to arrive at work. She starts teaching from 8am to 3:30pm. She also said that she is “traveling from one place to another” all day, as soon as she’s out of work she goes home and does some of the household stuff and then goes to college. Balancing family, school and work is always different each day.
Betty’s older guy cousin Victor is one of her role model in her life. He’s a very outgoing person and stands up for what he has to say and she admires that. Betty considers herself as a mentor with the kids she teaches at her work, because every single kid in there looks up to her and she teaches them what’s right and what’s not. In 5 years she sees herself with no kids; but if it happens it happens, she also sees herself as a High School counselor or an assistant principal.
Some of the things she likes from Oxnard college is the social environment. The things she thinks the college needs improvement is the way some of the professors teach, and I can totally agree with her because I got to experience some teachers I had and some that I have now they make class so boring and just makes us fall asleep, I think they should make there class a but more fun and enjoyable. Her "Motto" or philosophy is " Keep moving on up with your education and have Fun in Life!" Some of the ways Betty’s culture influence her decision to come to college is that Asian culture push you to succeed and make u strive for the best, and want the best for there family.
Betty Johnson Blog link- http://tinybc80.blogspot.com/
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Ahh!!! D:
I’m never going to forget the day when I did something I would never thought of doing in my life. Almost two years ago I went the strawberry festival with my best friend Cindy and her step dad. I remember that day being very sunny and seeing a lot of people there. As we were walking around the festival we got to the area where there were rides and activities you can do, one thing that cached my attention was the bungee jump. I stood there for a good while watching other people jump, and thinking how brave all those people were. I dislike height very much since the day when I went to Santa Monica pier when I was about 10 years old. My dad told me and my brother Fernando if we wanted to get on the boat ride, when I saw it I didn’t think it was a scary ride; until I got in the boat. It started of slow rocking back and forth and little by little the boat started going higher and I remembered getting the most awful feeling in my stomach that I started crying and yelling that I wanted to get off. So the guy who was in charge of the ride stopped it, I quickly got off and ran to my mom crying my eyes out. Since then im terrified of rides and height. So watching people bungee jump made me get that awful feeling in my stomach again.
As I was standing next to Cindy her step dad asked her if she wanted to bungee jump she said “yes” at the time she was a few weeks pregnant I remember telling her that she couldn’t jump because of that. But then she told me nothing was going to happen since she was only a few weeks pregnant, so I went along with it saying that’s true; when her step dad paid for her they started getting her ready to jump. As I saw her going up and up I started to get nervous and scared for her, next thing I hear is one of her friends yelling at her saying “what are you doing!? Are you crazy?!” Cindy say’s “why?” her friend says “you can’t jump! Something can happen to your baby! You better get off!!” So Cindy did and I was relieved she did too, when she got down her step dad asked her why she got off but she simply said “I was scared”. So now her step dad asked one of the guys if he can get his money back but he said “no” and then her step dad asks me “do you want to jump?” I said no thanks! I’m way to scared, he says “aw its okay then” but then I thought to myself those $40 are going down the drain I should just do it. So I said okay I’ll jump. Cindy tells me “oh my goodness Itzel are you sure?!” and I said yeah let’s do this! As I started getting ready to jump the crain started going higher and higher everybody started getting smaller and I of course started getting scared because it was so high up. The guy starts giving me instructions and then he says “on count at 3 let go and jump” I say okay. He says “one..two…”I yell out wait!wait! im not ready im so scared what if the rope breaks or I hit myself or something!? He responds “don’t worry nothing is going to happen, just jump and you’ll get over it” I say no!no! can’t you lower it down a little it’s to high up! Of course he laughs saying “no”. Literally after being up there for about 15 minutes I can hear the crowd on the bottom yelling “jump!jump!” and the guy started telling me “if your not going to jump we have to go down already” I tell him no! ill jump just give me a minute. He say’s “no!” you’ve been up here for to long you have to jump” when I started to walk little by little to the edge I put my hands back and grabbed myself from two handles and I leaned forward the guy starts to count “1..2…” I yell out WAIT!! And he says “no more waiting” and he started to lift up my fingers from my right hand so I could let go but I wouldn’t let him and I don’t remember what I got distracted with and I let go of the handles as soon as I did that the guy pushed me and I remember when I was falling I was trying to get back up which it was impossible to do. I felt that I made the most hilarious face expressions and getting a lot of butterflies in my stomach as I was falling. When it was all over my legs were shaking and the guy who pushed me tells me “I told you it wasn’t going to be bad” I respond by saying shut up!. After I got off I was I couldn’t believe I actually bungee jumped and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and those $40 didn’t go to waste and Cindy didn’t get to jump so it was good.
Now that I look back I’m glad I jumped because I got over my fear of getting on roller coasters and any other ride. Now I tell myself if I can bungee jump I can do anything, because not a lot of people have courage to jump. Now I love the adrenaline when ever I do something crazy. I love going to six flags magic mountain and getting on all the roller coasters, my favorite one is “goliath” I love that drop in the beginning of the ride. Next thing I want to do is jump out of a plane it looks like so much fun and I know ill have a good experience doing it.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Texting frenzy!
Oh how I love to text! I text 24/7...Well not literally because that’s just impossible, unless I was a vampire or something like that. Back when I was in junior high I remember my parents canceling my cell phone because “I passed my unlimited texting” I have no idea how I did that but I did. After that I didn’t have a cell phone until I got out of highschool and my texting continues!. I see people texting all the time when there walking, in class, office, eating, playing, working etc. Not to long ago I saw a video on youtube of this girl texting while she was walking in the mall and because she was so entertained she fell inside a water fountain it was hilarious! But she still stood up and continued texting! For me its an everyday thing that I do I text a lot of people every day to the moment I wake up and go to sleep, and im sure it’s not only me doing this.
I think texting got and its getting bigger and bigger by the minute. I say this because I don’t remember back in the day seeing cell phones with keyboards and all this good stuff everybody would just call or pager each other. And now I see cell phones everywhere with keyboards and touch screen keyboards to make texting much faster and not having to call each other just to say something real quick. I hardly see payphones and I think the reason is because nobody calls anymore everyone is just texting away. I think texting can and is very addicting and sometimes even annoying to a lot of people. But hey! Our world is evolving every day, coming up with something new and who knows maybe someone will invent something better than texting.
Oh yeah!! REALITY TV! Yeahhh!!
I love watching all types of reality shows; I find them entertaining and funny. Some of the shows I watch is “Jersey shore”, “Keeping up with the Kardashian’s”, “Bad girls club”, “The real housewives”, “My big fat gypsy wedding”, “cake boss”, “true life”; the list can go on. I love watching “Jersey Shore ” I can’t miss it every Thursday at 10 p.m. im in front of my TV, I also like watching that show because I get to see my future husband (Pauly D). I think he’s a total cutie not a lot of people agree with me though. “Keeping up with the Kardashians” is always fun to watch because the way they act as a family and stuff they do together. The “Bad girl’s club” show is just full of drama and girl fights I just love it! I usually watch that online though because I don’t get the “oxygen” channel. Something about the real house wives makes me get motivated when I get older because there still fashionable and look there best at there age but the reason for that is because the money they have and tons of botox they get, I also get motivated watching there show because they live in beautiful houses and have very nice cars. The show “My big fat gypsy wedding” is always very interesting because the soon to be wife’s go all out when it comes to literally everything; its CRAZY. The cakes Buddy makes from the show “cake boss” are just amazing! I usually learn a thing or two about cake making. Lastly, the show “true life” I like to watch because the competitions they do and the fights they get in to are insane. There’s ONE reality TV show that I really don’t like to watch which is “16 & pregnant” for the reason that the girls there are so annoying and ridiculous about stuff it gets me so mad, I prefer not watching it. But when there’s nothing to watch ill usually watch it.
I don’t think these type of shows are harmful in any way to our society unless you go out and do the stupidity some of these shows show, but that’s really usually up to you; NOT the show(s). I also think there’s nothing benefiting in some of the reality shows because there’s nothing to learn about them maybe there’s a thing or two u can learn but it always depends in the show u watch. For example when I watch some of the shows I pay attention to a lot of the girl’s hair and makeup since I love doing both of these things I get to practice on me or on someone these different looks. I also notice a lot of they way they dress and some of the styles different people/celebrity’s have. I can say watching reality shows are a “guilty pleasure” for me. Not so much the guilty part but the pleasure especially on Thursday’s because I get to watch “jersey shore” after almost a week of school, since I don’t have school on Friday so it’s my pleasurable treat.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Yummy in my tummy^-^
Fast food wasn't that big during my childhood, because my mom would always cook the most delicious Mexican meals ever; and still does! for example: pozole, tamales, enchiladas, sopes, tacos, burritos, chicken soup, homemade flour tortillas with chicken, rice and mole on the side the list can go on. We would hardly eat out, and if we did we would go to Chinese places and everything my parents would get had more vegetables than anything else, one thing they would usually order is Shrimp or chicken chop suey with fried rice and the rice usually had carrots and peas. Sometimes we would eat breakfast at McDonald's beacause that's the only thing we liked from there, there deluxe that came with pancakes, hash brown, bacon, egg, and two English muffins or an egg McMuffin. When ever we ate out it was usually a prize for being good at school, having good grades and little things like that or even if we were craving it because as bad as fast food can be it sure is very good tasting!.So eating out was never a big part during my childhood because of my parent's and since both of them were raised in Mexico and since there were no fast food places back in the day they were raised eating homemade foods.
My fast food food habits now are not that bad; at least I think so. My mom always tells me that i have really bad eating habits, because I don't eat a lot of vegetables and if I do eat them I usually pick what vegetables I eat and the one's I don't. My mom dislikes very much when I do that and sometimes she tells me if I don't eat what she tells me to eat I won't be able to go out and when ever she says that I HAVE to eat it. What I can eat for a days and not get tired of it is a large pizza from Topper's and a salad. When I was going to beauty school i actually ate a pepperoni pizza, salad, and a cold coke for a whole week and i never got tired of it, that's how much I love that place. I really don't consider it a fast food place though. I usually never go to McDonald's because I don't like their burger's and it makes my stomach hurt. The only thing I like about that place is there deluxe breakfast with an apple juice and there chicken nuggets.Sometimes I think it plays a big part of my life because if I don't find nothing to eat at my house or I don't find nothing to cook I quickly go out and go get something to eat. I know I won't get a bad fast food habit though because it's bad if u abuse it and have a lot of risks, and obviously that's never good because it's never fun getting sick or even worst having to go to the hospital because you're very ill, right?.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
A little about me..
My name is Itzel i'm 19 years young, born in Ventura raised in Oxnard. I have 2 little brother's one is 17 and the youngest is 5, making me the only girl and the oldest. I went to Sunkist school for kindergarten, Larsen Elementary for first to fifth grade, Christa Mcauliffe for sixth grade, Haydock for seventh and eight and I graduated from Oxnard High School class of '09. After i graduated I decided to take classes for cosmetology at Modern Beauty Academy, that took me a year and one month to finish. After I graduated I took my State Board Test to get licensed and passed!, I was very happy and proud of myself. I'm not working for the reason that I want to be more focused on my school work.
I'm currently attending Oxnard College, taking five general ed classes this semester to get my transfer credits. I'll be transferring to CSUCI to major on business. My lovely parents recently bought me a car, things before used to be hectic with my mom driving me and my brother to different schools and picking us up and taking us home, but now that i have my car I can drive to school and help her out with other stuff. I try to go out as much as I can when my parent's let me, they tend to be over protective with me i'm guessing because i'm the only girl. I have one really close friend her name is Joanna, her mom and my mom been friends before we were even born. I consider Joanna as my little sister because I've known her since she was born, were like peanut butter and jelly, always together.
For my future I have a lot that I want to do and I know I can do it with my hard effort. I want to open up a small beauty salon first, and little by little getting big. I also want to be working with celebrity's on set of movies, video\photo shoots etc. Since I love to party I know I want to open up clubs and more clubs. I have a lot more i want to do but that's enough about me. I hope u enjoyed reading this see all of you in class!
I'm currently attending Oxnard College, taking five general ed classes this semester to get my transfer credits. I'll be transferring to CSUCI to major on business. My lovely parents recently bought me a car, things before used to be hectic with my mom driving me and my brother to different schools and picking us up and taking us home, but now that i have my car I can drive to school and help her out with other stuff. I try to go out as much as I can when my parent's let me, they tend to be over protective with me i'm guessing because i'm the only girl. I have one really close friend her name is Joanna, her mom and my mom been friends before we were even born. I consider Joanna as my little sister because I've known her since she was born, were like peanut butter and jelly, always together.
For my future I have a lot that I want to do and I know I can do it with my hard effort. I want to open up a small beauty salon first, and little by little getting big. I also want to be working with celebrity's on set of movies, video\photo shoots etc. Since I love to party I know I want to open up clubs and more clubs. I have a lot more i want to do but that's enough about me. I hope u enjoyed reading this see all of you in class!
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